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Dallas Police and Fire Pension System Board Adopts Required Funding Plan and Authorizes Declaratory Judgement Action

DALLAS – The Dallas Police and Fire Pension System (DPFP) Board of Trustees today authorized an action in state court to clarify the process by which DPFP is legally obligated to adopt a plan by November 1, 2024 that meets statutory funding and amortization requirements and confirm that the actions taken by the DPFP Board are sufficient to enact such a plan. Specifically, DPFP seeks to clarify what steps are legally required in the future in to ensure that DPFP is adequately funded so that constitutionally protected benefits that have been earned by retirees and current employees are assured of being paid without concern by these first responders.

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Response to Media Statements

Given recent articles and public statements, DPFP feels the need to correct certain inaccuracies. In 2017, because of liquidity and solvency problems and following extensive negotiations between DPFP and the City of Dallas, the Legislature unanimously adopted HB 3158. HB 3158 provided for a reconstitution of the DPFP Board and a seven-year period of time to allow DPFP the ability to stabilize its investments and benefit operations. HB 3158 also contained a provision requiring that the DPFP Board adopt changes to the DPFP plan by November 1, 2024 in advance of the 2025 legislative session to achieve statutory funding requirements. The Legislature adopted the provisions in HB 3158 in the hopes that the City of Dallas and DPFP could agree on plan changes understanding that if the two groups could not reach an agreement before the 2025 legislative session, the DPFP Board would adopt the required plan changes and the Legislature would very likely step in and once again make changes to the DPFP statute.

Read more about Response to Media Statements

Beneficiary Information

DPFP has been informed that there is a rumor that something has happened that impacted the active and retired members beneficiary forms on file with DPFP. That is absolutely not true. All beneficiary forms we had on file are still on file. However, active members hired more than a few years ago were not asked to fill out a beneficiary form for the pension when they joined the department. Completing the form is now a standard part of the rookie class. We encourage all members to ensure there is an up-to-date beneficiary form on file with DPFP.

Read more about Beneficiary Information

Preliminary Firefighter Trustee Runoff Election Results

At the July 13, 2023 Board meeting, the Board certified the election results of the Police Officer and Firefighter Trustee election and authorized a runoff election for the Firefighter Trustee position between Armando Garza and Matthew Shomer. Per the Trustee Election Procedures, to be elected a Police Officer Trustee or Firefighter Trustee a candidate must receive more than 50% of the votes cast and if no candidate earns more than 50% of the votes cast, a runoff election would be held involving the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. Voting for the runoff election began at 8 a.m. Thursday, July 20th and ended at noon on Tuesday, August 1st.

Read more about Preliminary Firefighter Trustee Runoff Election Results

Firefighter Runoff Election is underway

At the July 13, 2023 Board meeting, the Board certified the election results of the Police Officer and Firefighter Trustee election and authorize a runoff election for the Firefighter Trustee position between Armando Garza and Matthew Shomer. Michael Taglienti was elected as the Police Officer Trustee with a term from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2026. We congratulate Mr. Taglienti and look forward to working with him. Additionally, we would like to thank Kenneth Haben for his service as the Police Trustee on the DPFP Board and appreciate all his efforts during his term.

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The Texas Pension Review Board and the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System are issuing the attached Request for Proposal (RFP)

The Texas Pension Review Board and the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System are issuing the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) to select an Independent Actuary to perform the services as described in Article 6243a-1 Section 2.025, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas and additional services to facilitate timely completion of the required services. Please note that all communications related to the RFP must be directed to only to The proposal due date is June 30, 2023, at 4:00 P.M, CDT The deadline for written questions is June 12, 2023, at 4:00 P.M, CDT.

Read more about The Texas Pension Review Board and the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System are issuing the attached Request for Proposal (RFP)

Police Officer and Firefighter Trustee Candidates meet the required qualifications to be included on the voting ballots

At the May 11, 2023 Board meeting, the Board approved the following Police Officer Trustee candidates: Kenneth Haben, Zachary Knetzer, and Michael Taglienti, and the following Firefighter Trustee candidates: Armando Garza, David Hatch, Matthew Shomer, and David Waks as qualified to serve as Trustees pursuant to the requirements of Article 6243a-1 Section 3.01 (b-1) (1).

Read more about Police Officer and Firefighter Trustee Candidates meet the required qualifications to be included on the voting ballots

Two elections will be conducted to fill two trustee positions.

The Police Officer Trustee and Fire Fighter Trustee positions term expire on August 31, 2023. Active or former City of Dallas Police Officers or Fire Fighters may serve in the Police Officer Trustee or Fire Fighter Trustee positions. Only active members are eligible to vote in the Police Officer Trustee and Fire Fighter Trustee elections that correspond with their role as either a Police Officer or Fire Fighter.

Read more about Two elections will be conducted to fill two trustee positions.