2024 Pre-Retirement Education Program
Location: 4100 Harry Hines Blvd. 2nd Floor, Dallas, TX 75219
Date: September 18, 2024
Times: 8:00am - 4:15pm
P.R.E.P offers tools for retirement planning and guidance, including City-related benefits and Social Security information.
This class can be used for TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) credit for Police Officers.
A light breakfast and box lunch will be provided.
To register, scan the QR code and complete the form. A confirmation email will be sent by a DPFP staff member within 24 hours.
Please register by September 6, 2024
For more information, contact Brooke at the Pension System: (214) 638-6863, or send an email to
Online Educational Sessions - TBD
Retirement Process with DPFP
Zoom Webinar hosted by TBD
Date: TBD
This session will review the steps necessary to apply for pension benefits when members are ready to retire. It will detail the paperwork required by DPFP, what to expect at your retirement appointment, and provide a calendar to assist with setting your retirement date. An addendum with contact information for the City of Dallas is included.
How Drop Works in Active Service And Retirement
Zoom Webinar hosted by TBD
Date: TBD
This session will discuss the process for a member to join DROP, how the monthly pension benefit builds the DROP account, the impact of the 100% Joint and Survivor benefit on the DROP account, and the annuitization of the DROP account upon retirement. For members that are pension eligible (50+ years of age or at least 20 years of service).
Foundational Concepts of Your Pension
Zoom Webinar hosted by TBD
Date: TBD
This session will discuss the foundational concepts of your pension. We will review eligibility requirements, discuss service purchases, explain how your pension is calculated, as well as discuss the available options if you need to leave the City of Dallas before retirement. For members with at least 5 years of service.
Social Security with Expert Tom Clark
Zoom Webinar hosted by Tom Clark
Date: TBD
Tom Clark worked for the Social Security administration for 33 years. He has given more than 6,000 speeches while working for social security and is joining us to discuss how your pension from DPFP will affect the Social Security benefits you could receive based on your own work or your spouse’s work. This will include explanations of the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset. He will also discuss Medicare entitlement and when to file for Medicare Parts A and B. Tom will be making references to Social Security Statements. Feel free to download yours prior to the webinar by signing into your My Social Security account at
Get to Know Your 401K and 457 Plans with Fidelity
Zoom Webinar hosted by Josh George, Workplace Financial Consultant with Fidelity
Date: TBD
No two retirements are alike but having a plan is important for everyone. Explore the different retirement income strategies that can help you grow and preserve your savings in retirement. Presented by Josh George, Workplace Financial Consultant with Fidelity Investments.
Email questions to
Important Dates to Consider at Retirement
Featured Zoom Education Sessions
Survivor Benefits
Foundational Concepts
How DROP Works in Active Service and Retirement
Retirement Process with DPFP
Social Security
Disability Benefits
Get to Know Your 401K and 457 Plan with Fidelity